Garasi | Song Lyrics


Garasi Band is a trio band born in late 2005. Garasi guarded by Ayu Ratna (vocals, guitar), Fedi Nuril (keyboards, guitar) and Aries Budiman (drums). The birth of this band is unique because it followed the release of the movie with their group setting. Movies with titles "Garasi" (2006) was produced by Mira Lesmana and under the direction of the Supreme Sentausa. Their debut album was released simultaneously with the launch of the movie Garasi. Marketing albums they were assisted by Indra Lesmana, Abdee Slank, and Sam, and produced by Miles of Music.

* Album "Garasi II" (2010)
Track Listing:
1. "Lelah"
2. "Tak Ada Lagi"
3. "Luna"
4. "Duakan Aku"
5. "Salam Untuk Dia"
6. "Ingin Kau Kembali"
7. "Aggressive Trance"
8. "Full Moon"
9. "Posesif"
10. "Nothing's Gonna Last"